रविवार, 19 अक्तूबर 2014

he is my inspiration... 'cause he can make you laugh, he can make you spritual, he can make you intelligent, he can make you a sanyasin...... in only one single communication... his words are so confusing..... his greatest teaching is understanding.. you can here.. if you're not listening you cannot understand it... he will become your inspiration in a fraction of second if you read about him only.. what he done.. what he was capable off... if he was now....... you can not imagine how comfort, luxurious life would be... he believe in richness of everything.... 

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एक टिप्पणी भेजें

Trip to Statue Of Unity !!!!

statue of unity is build in recently by govt. of india. most importantly its closed on mondays .never plan a trip on monday. statue of ...